Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Protecting Students is important to all of us using Google Apps for Edu (GAFE)

Protecting Students is important to all of us using Google Apps for Edu (GAFE)

Returning from a Google Apps Summit in New England...
I found out that many different schools are using different user name structures
for various reasons.

In our current system we use an email structure like 1264587@domain.ca
Only 5% of 140000 students use their email.
Not very good in my opinion !

Let us share and learn from your «User Name» structure

The dilemma:
Having the real First and Last Name in student accounts is helpful to staff & students (so is a picture)
Having the names show-up in outbound emails and shares has privacy issues (If we allow emails out of the domain)

I am looking for tricks to mask the first and last name on Email sends (and Doc Shares)
(If we take the approach to keep things more open)

Your tips are appreciated
Thank you group

Ron Turchyniak H,B,P.E., M.A