Thursday, October 25, 2012

Google Drive Tip: How to share a file with a non-Google Colleague

Cool tip from  Justin Gale 
Google User Group

So you are a new or experienced Google Apps user, and have a large file you need to share with a friend/relative/business associate, and it is too big to email, and you are sure your recipient audience might have Google accounts, but pretty much cannot be bothered...You just want to send a link to the file and not have it be confusing for them to click anything else.  This can be accomplished with Google Drive [Google Docs] with just a little bit of secret knowledge, as this functionality is not the default...but don't worry, it is pretty easy to do, just keep reading!

So in this example, let us pretend that you have a file (say a 100mb Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or PDF or whatever) in Google Drive (aka Google Docs) and you want to share it with your someone who does not have a Google/Gmail account at all.
1) In Google Drive,  seeing the file listed, put a check in front of it, and at the top of the list of files, click More--Share--Share
2) On the Sharing settings for the file, where you see "Private - Only the people listed below can access"  - Click CHANGE
3) Change default sharing to be "Anyone with the link" then click SAVE
4) Now you should see a link to the file (copy this with Ctrl-C or by the mouse)
something like this: 

5) Click DONE
6) Create your new email
7) Now you need the link from the other step (unique to each file) you share
8) Make a link in your email based on putting your like and this new prefix

9) Email it to your friend, when they click the link the file automatically downloads.



'via Blog this'